February 18, 2012

Dear Cheryl.
I regret having to do this, but as you have not replied to any of my emails or requests via PayPal for the letter half of payment for this design, I am forced to suspend it. This is the only way I can think to get your attention. It has been a month and I really do need you to pay me.
You know my contact information. If you would be so kind as to complete the transaction, I would greatly appreciate it.

February 14, 2012

A Certain Tuesday

On this certain Tuesday dedicated to crushers, admirers, and the hopeless romantics, nearly 80% of our school has gone on a field trip. Great way to show our love, Oak.

Mavericks went to the California Science Center. At least we didn't have to get into pre-assigned groups; we were free to do whatever we wanted to - yet "spinning, running, and eating are permitted" according to Mr. Perry, my science teacher.

My group started off with my gals: Joanna, Jenny, and Winnie. We managed to get through one exhibit before James came. My friends ditched me with him, and his friends tagged along with us. After visiting another two exhibits, my friends merged with James's friends, while we ran away.

The rest of the time was dedicated to visiting exhibits, sitting or standing in various areas of the science center, visiting the gift shop to tinker with toy-ish objects, and eat at McDonald's. At 1:00, the whole Maverick team was told to meet outside to watch an IMAX movie.

How was your Valentine's Day? Hopefully it was more romantic than mine.